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A Special New Year

This is a special New Year at the Bank of Zachary as we begin 2017 with a new leader at the helm. One day after his 38th birthday, Mark S. Marionneaux became the 8th President in our 112 year history. In addition to his relative youth, Mark brings enthusiasm and a clear-eyed vision to our venerable institution.

Borrowing For Your Small Business

Small business owners often find themselves with an opportunity to grow their business. This growth typically creates a need for capital, whether it be to expand to a new location or purchase additional equipment. Applying for a bank loan could be the solution, however many business owners view this process as stressful and time consuming.

Financial Tips For Travelers

As we approach midsummer, Bank of Zachary and the Independent Community Bankers of America® (ICBA), representing the nation’s more than 6,000 community banks, are providing consumers with the information they need to help keep their money secure before they plan for their next vacation.

Bank of Zachary Encourages Consumers to Go Local for the Holidays

With holiday cheer and spending just around the corner, the Bank of Zachary joins the Independent Community Bankers of America® (ICBA) in encouraging consumers to Go Local this holiday season with their purchasing, dining and spending. By supporting small businesses throughout the holidays, consumers will be putting money back to work in their communities.

Too Small to Succeed?

This is “loser talk” and I’m sick of it. Too small to succeed? We may be too small to do what the largest banks can do (thank God), but the Wall Street Journal doesn’t know much about the community bankers I know if they dare to say we are “too small to succeed”.

ICBA: Evidence Mounting against Too-Big-To-Fail

Washington, D.C. (March 18, 2013)—The Independent Community Bankers of America® (ICBA) today said that there is mounting evidence that too-big-to-fail financial institutions pose risks to the financial system, enjoy a taxpayer-funded funding advantage over smaller institutions and receive favorable treatment from regulators. To address these and other problems posed by the largest and riskiest financial firms, ICBA believes they should be downsized and split up.

"Plan for Prosperity" Outlines Positive Steps Forward for Community Banking

We frequently feature articles in this space, and on our Facebook and Twitter pages, detailing the wretched excess of the Too Big To Fail and Too Big To Jail financial institutions. But the Bank of Zachary does more than just complain. Through our community bank trade association, we actively advocate for common sense regulation that will allow us to compete with any size institution.

Wear Red

Red is the color of the day at Bank of Zachary as we joined the millions of Americans in a nationwide effort in saving women from heart disease, their No. 1 killer. This will be the 10th National Wear Red Day since the American Heart Association (AHA) launched Go Red For Women® in 2004 to dispel myths and raise awareness about heart disease, which today claims about one life per minute.

Happy 2013!

The Bank of Zachary enters the New Year with a renewed sense of commitment to our four constituent groups: Our Community, Customers, Employees and Shareholders.

As always, the Bank of Zachary will be involved with the community we serve. Our staff will be recognizable at nearly every public event, but more importantly they will be quietly working behind the scenes in hundreds of ways to make our community a better place to live and work.

It's a Merry Christmas - For Too Big To Fail Banks

Washington DC has two lumps of coal for community banks this Christmas season. First, a group of Senators used a dubious conclusion from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to raise a procedural point of order to kill a two-year extension of the Transaction Account Guarantee (TAG) program. TAG was an emergency measure enacted at the height of the financial crisis to temporarily extend unlimited FDIC deposit insurance to all non-interest bearing accounts. This program leveled a very small piece of the playing field, allowing community banks to keep deposits that would otherwise flee to the safety of megabanks declared to be Systemically Important Financial Institutions. While community banks fought to extend this temporary guarantee, the megabanks cynically sought to have it eliminated, knowing that these deposits would eventually migrate to the safe harbor provided by Too Big To Fail status. In the end, some Senators hypocritically hid behind the same CBO that they excoriated during the healthcare debate in order to do the bidding of their masters on Wall Street, to the detriment of Main Street. Sure, the Senators who killed TAG will claim that they were looking out for the taxpayer by ending a crisis-era “bailout”, but in fact they were eliminating competition for a favored constituent group, the Too Big To Fail banks.